Saturday, March 19, 2011

memories in letters

Keeping you up-to-date on our mailing regimen, I would have to say we're doing okay with our letter writing and mailing. It's not as routine yet as we would like, but we are definitely keeping to the spirit of the resolution.

One great thing to share in a letter is an old memory or story from years gone by. Write a letter today!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Treasures in the Mail

This is my first blog post on this site that I am sharing with my hubby. You see, it was my bright-idea to take on this challenge (aren't all bright-ideas mine, though?) and Troy did the hard task of getting it in blog form. So far, I've been having a good time encouraging my kids to make things to send, taking photos of said kids in various setting and poses to send, and receiving small treasures back in the mail!

Recently, I received a beautiful pair of earrings in the mail. It was for my birthday and it made me feel very special. Now, there are certain things that I worry about sending in the mail. Money is one of them, gift cards another, and small precious treasures certainly make the list. How easy it would be to lose such a thing in the mail! What with all the sorters and bins and fingers that help our mail get to where it's going. But, nevertheless, we send these tokens of love anyway. I also received some silly bandz in the mail for the kids (I suppose). And I got to thinking. What are some other things that we can send along with our letters? What's the strangest thing that we've received with our letters? How can we ensure that our treasures make it to their destinations?